Spring - Time to readress the balance

This week saw the Spring equinox, when day and night, lightand dark are perfectly balanced.  It is atime to think about balance, and about awakening as we notice the earthbursting into life around us.

I’ve been thinking a lot about balance recently.  It started when I began wobbling all over theplace (even more than usual!!) during standing balancing postures in mypractices a few weeks ago.  Then myteacher commented that I was pushing myself too far in certain postures (notone of my usual habits) and asked if I was overstretching myself in my life rightnow… “you mean trying to do everything and not giving myself a break?”, “yepthat would do it”.  I realised right thenthat my life has been completely off balance for a while.  I’ve been pouring energies into the things Ifeel that I need to do, instead of pouring my energies into the things I loveand that bring me joy.

I love how my yoga practice shows me when things aren’tquite right.  It’s one of the reasons Ilove this practice so much.  Even when Iam doing a physical asana practice, I find myself learning about myself, mymind, the way I react to things, my coping mechanisms, how my life is going,and so much more.

So, I sat down and thought about what I could do.  It’s not as simple as readjusting mywork/life balance, as there is a lot of my work that I love and that brings melots of joy.  But I noticed that I’ve beenputting energies into the business side of my business rather than reading,research, lesson planning, and of course teaching which are the parts that I love.  We all put a lot of pressure on ourselves todo everything.  For someone running abusiness there is a lot of pressure to keep up with social media, fancygraphics, blog posts, websites, marketing and not to mention the ongoingeveryday admin.  And of course, if youstep away from all this there is the panic that you will be forgotten.

But I’ve decided to step away (a little) anyway.  I’ll still be posting pictures and updatesfrom classes (as I know you love to see how all the little yogis are doing),I’ll keep posting my practice on Instagram, and when I have something to say Imight write a blog post.  I’ll check myemails regularly (but not more than once a day) and respond to messages throughsocial media.  But for most of my workingweek I am going to put my energy back where it belongs, on delivering the bestclasses to all of you.  And Spring is theperfect time to engage with this creative energy.

How is your life looking right now?  Do you need to readdress the balance?

Upcoming Events

On Saturday this week I’m teaching a balance workshop forwomen at The Malt Barn Studio.  We’ll beusing a mixture of more dynamic and restorative practices, breathing, meditationand relaxation to restore balance and harmony. My women’s yoga workshops are all completely full, however watch thisspace for more dates in the future and do let me know if you want to beinformed about upcoming events.

It’s nearly the April school holidays, during which I planto stop working completely and recharge my batteries for at least one of theweeks.  I will be teaching one classduring the holidays, a family yoga session with a superhero theme on Friday 12thApril at 10am in St Andrews.  It’s goingto be lots of fun as we learn how yoga can give us superpowers!!!  This session is aimed at children around 3-10years old, along with any adult family members that would like to accompanythem.  It is £15 per family, includingyoga, snack (fruit/biscuits/water/tea/coffee) and craft activities and isavailable to book now through bookwhen.com/warmheartsyoga

A new block of postnatal yoga classes starts on Thursday 25thApril and runs for 6 weeks.  I have hadwonderful feedback from the mums in this class, including the comment from onemum that the class is the highlight of her week.  There is still time to book into the newblock at the special early bird rate of just £50 if you book before the end ofMarch.

Term Dates

My current term finishes on Friday 5th April forall parent and child and kids’ classes (postnatal and adult classes finish aweek earlier).  The new term starts foreveryone on Monday 22nd April. All classes are now available to book online.

Thanks to everyone as always for your continuing support andencouragement.  I love that every weeksomeone shares with me a story about how yoga is benefiting them or theirchildren (or both).  Isn’t yoga just magic?!?

Enjoy the Springtime




When you decide to come along to a mother and baby yoga class...


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