When you decide to come along to a mother and baby yoga class...
- Come to class whenever you can (even if youare running late and still in your jammies)
- Have fun
- Share your experiences with other parents
- Follow your baby’s cues and take their lead
- Listen to your body and do what feels rightfor you at that time
- Take time to relax, as much as possible
- Leave your phone to the side (or switch itoff!)
- Rest when your baby is feeding
- Ask questions
- Take things slowly
- Be kind to yourself
- Nourish yourself with food, water and rest
- Use pranayama and breathing techniques
- Use the practices you enjoy at home
- Sing
- Use noise and sound effects
- Use twists to help heal the abdominals andsplit rectus
- Focus on healing slowly from the inside out
- Focus on how your practice feels
- Follow your instincts and trust yourself
- Go with the flow and accept whateverhappens
- Try new things when your baby is tired or grumpy
- Do any inversions for a while
- Rush back to your old practice
- Stand in a wide stance or sit with legs far apart
- Do any poses that strongly stretch across the abdomen
- Practice deep lunges or hip openers
- Do sit ups or other strong abdominal work
- Think about the shapes you are making or how your practice looks
- Do anything that doesn’t feel right for you or your baby
- Worry or stress