The King and Queen of Yoga Asana
Headstand (sirsasana) and shoulderstand (salamba sarvangasana) are called the King and Queen of Yoga Asana. But why are they so important?
In some systems of Hatha Yoga, this pair of postures are thought of as foundational, a yoga practice is built on them.
When we go upside down, we increase the blood flow to the brain, giving our circulation a boost and increasing our energy levels. Headstand in particular is an invigorating inversion, bringing heat and vitality to the body. Holding the body steady upside down requires great awareness and control in the body and will build strength in the whole body, particularly the upper body and core.
Sirsasana and Salamba Sarvangasana are a pair. They balance each other. Although both bring the benefits of going upside down, shoulderstand is a more calming and cooling inversion, less firey than headstand. It is usually taught before headstand (although it is a more complex posture) and often practised independently of headstand. Headstand is rarely practised without the shoulderstand to balance it, so we could say that shoulderstand is indespensible.
Going upside down requires both strength and flexibility, we need to find stability and lightness in the body. A comfortable headstand requires a strong upper body, and a strong core, but also flexibility and openness around the chest and shoulders.
We also need to lengthen our hamstrings. Why? In order to stack the pelvis on top of the shoulders we need to come into a deep forwards fold, we just might not realise this because we're upside down! So if you struggle to touch your toes in a seated forwards fold, it will be a challenge to lift up into a headstand.
These are complex postures, and best learnt from an experienced teacher. Fancy turning yourself upside down? Come along to a weekly class or a workshop and let’s explore.
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