Location: St Leonard’s Church Hall, Donaldson Gardens, St Andrews
Time: 9.00am - 4.00pm
Cost: £90 all inclusive
Would you like a full day to dedicate to your yoga practice? Moving and breathing together in community?
Join me for a day to delve into the Ashtanga primary series and explore the magic contained within.
Ashtanga is a traditional system of yoga that brings balance to body and mind through movement and breath. It is a wonderful way to increase your flexibility and fitness whilst helping to destress and find focus.
This day will give you a chance to explore some of the key elements of the Ashtanga primary series. Exploring how the postures combine with breath and drishti (the gaze points) to create a moving meditation and bring wellness to the whole body. This is a powerful and transformative practice, exploring flexion, extension and rotation of the spine as well as working with strength and stamina.
I love Ashtanga yoga because of the way it makes me feel. This practice has helped me to love my body, to face fears and to find stability on those days when everything is upside down and back to front.
The day will be filled with discussion of the practice, how we can make it fit in with our lives, and how we can embody the philosophy of yoga both on and off our mats.
Saturday February 25th 2023, St Leonard's Church Hall
0900 - 1200 Fundamentals of breath, the magic of Surya Namaskar and building strength in standing postures
1200 - 1330 Lunch, time to pause
1330 - 1600 Moving the spine in seated postures, the dance of vinyasa, playing with arm balances, time to rest.
The cost of this full day (including a nutrtious vegan or vegetarian lunch, tea and energy balls) is £90.