Location: St Leonard’s Church Hall, Donaldson Gardens, St Andrews
Time: 9.30am - 11.30am
Cost: £30
Would you like to feel comfortable and confident upside down?
Would you like to learn how to move safely into and out of a headstand?
Many yoga classes include postures which require us to go upside down, from those where our feet stay on the floor to those when we defy gravity! It can be hard to learn these postures in a busy class, this is an opportunity to take some time and look at the steps you need to work through to find balance upside down.
In this workshop we shall look at how to stretch and strengthen the body to progress with inversions such as headstand, with variations to suit everybody. You will have a chance to explore these postures in a safe and relaxed environment so you have the confidence to start incorporating inversions into your own yoga practice.
We will delve into postures that can help provide both lightness and stability when upside down, explore the role bandhas have to play, how we can use our breath, and look at the areas of the body that might present obstacles to our inversions. Learn how to establish a strong foundation and what is required to create a straight line with the body when inverted.
We will also consider how fear may play a part in our journey to being upside down, and learn how to feel a little more safe and secure in our postures.
Who is this workshop suitable for?
Some experience of yoga is required (this workshop is not suitable for complete beginners), you should have encountered shoulderstand before to attend this workshop.
What to expect?
The main focus in this workshop will be on shoulderstand and headstand, but we may look at a couple of other inversions such as pincha mayurasana if appropriate.