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The Hard Part
"When you are utterly fed up with getting up in the early hours every morning, how do you keep doing it? How do you keep dragging yourself out of bed and onto your mat every day? What do you do at those times when each morning feels like such a challenge?"

How Yoga Makes me a Better Mum
I am so grateful to have my yoga practice. It helps me with the challenges parenting brings, it helps me to be a better mum. The thing is that yoga is so much more than making shapes on your mat. It is as much about what happens off the mat as on it. Yoga can help you move through life more mindfully, with less stress, and feeling better both in and about yourself.

Top Tips for Dark Mornings
How are you adjusting to the longer nights and darker days? Do you find it a struggle to get out of bed in the morning?

Yoga Christmas FUN with your little (or not so little) one(s)
Looking for some ways to have fun with your kids over the festive season? Here are some of my favourite Christmas yoga games and activities.
The beauty of Ashtanga Yoga